Category: Chemical Engineering

How Does Fractional Distillation Work? Distillation Work

How Does Fractional Distillation Work?

How Does Fractional Distillation Work? Table of Contents Distillation is a separation technique for solutions with components having a significant difference in boiling points —

8 Worthwhile Reads for Aspiring Engineers Engineering best chemical engineering books

Best Chemical Engineering Books

8 Worthwhile Reads for Aspiring Engineers Table of Contents Experience may be the best way to learn a lesson, but non-fiction books record, preserve and

Types of Centrifugal Pumps

Types of Centrifugal Pumps

Types of Centrifugal Pumps Table of Contents Centrifugal pumps are the most commonly used industrial pump there is because of their simple design mechanism. They

What is A Centrifugal Pump? Components of a Centrifugal Pump

What Is A Centrifugal Pump?

What Is A Centrifugal Pump? Table of Contents A centrifugal pump is a mechanical device that converts the mechanical energy from its impeller into static

Elution vs Adsorption

Elution vs. Adsorption

Elution vs. Adsorption Table of Contents Elution and adsorption are both surface phenomena and are applied as separation techniques to remove a substance from its

What Is Gas Absorption & How Does It Work? Gas Absorption process

Gas Absorption Packed Column

What Is Gas Absorption & How Does It Work? Table of Contents Gas Absorption (“scrubbing”) is the process of removing a gas solute from a

A Float Type Steam Trap Internal Diagram

Float Type Steam Trap

Float Type Steam Trap: A Detailed Explanation Table of Contents What is a Float Type Steam Trap? To understand what a float type steam trap

Absorption vs Adsorption Gas-Liquid Absorption (left) and Liquid-Solid Adsorption

Absorption vs. Adsorption

Absorption is a process in which atoms, molecules, or ions enter into a bulk phase – liquid or solid material. Meanwhile, adsorption is the process in which gas, liquids, or dissolved solids loosely adhere or stick to the surface of another substance – solid or liquid. 

Reverse Osmosis Work Diffusion vs Osmosis

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

How does reverse osmosis work? Table of Contents Diffusion vs Osmosis Diffusion and osmosis are two of the three types of passive transport processes, the